Scenes from Dundee, Scotland

I loved ALL of Scotland that I saw but if I am honest Dundee was my favorite even over Edinburg. Dundee is a great small city and I hope to visit it again some day.  I took lots of pictures – here are a few.

The Howff is a lovely enclosed old graveyard.  Resting place of the last witch killed in Scotland – or so the legend goes. 

Established in 1564, it has one of the most important collections of tombstones in Scotland. The majority of graves face exactly due east. The land of the burial ground was part of the Franciscan (Greyfriars) Monastery until the Scottish Reformation. In 1564 Mary, Queen of Scots granted the land to the burgh of Dundee, for use as a burial ground. It was used for meetings by the Dundee Incorporated Trades, and subsequently became known as The Howff, from the Scots word howff ‘an enclosed open space. (from Wikipedia)

I thoroughly enjoyed roaming around looking at all the old stones. I love gravehards or kirkyards as they are also called.  

This is my husband’s new workplace: 

Tay Bridge: 

A look across the Tay River toward St Andrews:

Victoria & Albert Museum of Dundee:

More shots from around Dundee: