A glitch you say? Just one?

Well I finally made it to Colorado after spending the better part of two days in various airports.  It was WILD. 

Day One:  Sunday June 13 it was just not meant to be.  Got to the airport around noon – 12:30.  Got on the plane on time.  Taxied out to take off.  With the first revving of the engines, everything shut off.  Apparently, alarms sounded but I had my earbuds in and missed that.  Thankfully.  After 6pm and many delays and false starts I decided to rebook for the next day and happy I did. That plane actually did leave Shreveport – and arrived 9 hours later than first scheduled.  

Day Two: Monday June 14 got off to a great start.  Got to stopover in Houston on time and headed for the departure gate.  Got on the plane on time. Woot! But wait. Deplaned again.  And waited and waited and waited.  Sent to another terminal only to be told to go back to the original terminal.  FINALLY on our way 3+ hours late.  Lovely, quick flight over to Denver.  Landed safe and sound.  On to the gate and then an announcement.  They can’t open the door of this plane. Not kidding and not amused.  But happy and thankful to be there.  It wasn’t too long of a wait – 20 minutes maybe and the door was opened and we were allowed off. 

Got to Sully’s house and to bed about midnight.  It was a long, crazy couple of days. 

The next day Hannah texted me and asked if I had seen the news reports about several glitches with several airlines.  I had not but evidently, the issues affected flights and carriers over the country: Southwest, Delta, Alaska, United.  

Happy to be here and we head out on the drive back to Louisiana before dawn or close to it Saturday.