Crafty Update

WAY back on January 19 I posted a few pictures of a little kit Jerry gave me for Christmas – along with many other things!  Well.kit one is finished and it is ADORABLE.  

I have finally started on Kit Two. In between the kits I made a batch of candles for someone’s birthday. And an Easter egg wreath – I’ll show you that later.  Anyway – here is what I have finished on Kit Two. 

Kit two is a Book Nook! Can’t wait to get it finished and put it on my witchy bookshelf! 



Friday Bake Along: Italian Cream Cake

Happy Friday! Thought I would try to revise Friday Bake Along.  Back in the “olden days” when I had a blog called NotQuiteJuneCleaver I did a lot of cool things (for the times).  Then Life happened and the blog fell by the wayside.  But you know, why not give it another go?  It used to be cathartic to blog almost daily.  That’s probably not going to happen. I am far less disciplined now.  But I will do my best – which is not what it used to be.  [gs_pinterest user=”JustPlainSusan59″ board=”” count=”10″ theme=”gs_pin_theme1″ cols=”3″] [tasty-recipe id=”911″]