Crafty Update

WAY back on January 19 I posted a few pictures of a little kit Jerry gave me for Christmas – along with many other things!  Well.kit one is finished and it is ADORABLE.  

I have finally started on Kit Two. In between the kits I made a batch of candles for someone’s birthday. And an Easter egg wreath – I’ll show you that later.  Anyway – here is what I have finished on Kit Two. 

Kit two is a Book Nook! Can’t wait to get it finished and put it on my witchy bookshelf! 



slow…but better late than never.

Finally getting ready…to get ready…to get started on the scrapbook from Hannah & Kim’s wedding. Kim made me this beautiful book and all I have to do is add content. I finally got prints of all the wedding photos (thank you shutterfly for some free prints). As I add content I will post some pics.

Still hanging out mostly alone except for this week!  Hannah came and spent the week with me and we have had a great time even though she has had to work during the day.  Working remote/from home is the diggity!

Stay safe, don’t listen to ignorant people and wear your mask.

Until next time, I am

All gong and no dinner.

That should be my tagline, title of my life’s story, etc, etc, etc.

I think it is safe to admit now that I have been in a fairly deep depression for over a year.  It really started to weigh me down when Covid-19 came on the scene guns blazing.  I am not any less depressed, but I am able to talk about it.  I think.

The 4 months I spent 99% of my time alone was rougher than I said. I tried very hard to count my blessings. I think possibly it is just now catching up to me.  I haven’t felt this anxious in many years and honestly, am not pleased about it.

So…what am I doing about this funk?  Not enough if I am honest, but I have started to put together the quilt top I have been making hexies for.  This should keep me occupied for a while.

The husband and I are house hunting, which should be fun, but is excruciating.  I think we might be onto something, but not to the stage I care to talk about it.  That’s another story for another day. Remodeling will give me something to talk about, right?  Until then I am…