Happy New Year!

Not much news to post.  I think the gravity of this decision to move to New Zealand is beginning to weigh on me.  Not sad about it.  Just a little overwhelmed. The reality of possibly not seeing family for a year is in my face this morning. But it is an amazing opportunity and as my oldest pointed out I don’t want to get to 90 and wonder what adventures I missed.  It’s just I feel a good cry building up.  

I vow in the new year to keep it real on here.  Good, bad or neither.  

We’re heeeerrrreee!

Our trip across 18 time zones was uneventful.  We were terribly jet lagged for the first day.  Delirium set in about bedtime Thursday night.  Our flight arrived Thursday morning about 1 am and we got to the hotel about 4:30 I think.  We were exhausted but unable to go right to sleep.  Had our initial health screening and had to wait on our luggage to arrive.  Everyone has been helpful and kind.  We are anxious to get out of MIQ and head over to our cottage in New Plymouth to start a new chapter.

until next time…