Still Kicking

UPDATE : Well, that wasn’t the dr appt I wanted. I can’t go in public for at least two more weeks. My infection had become septic? I had sepsis? (I don’t know the proper words here). Something NO ONE at the hospital told us. I mean they kept going on about finding the source of the infection and they were pumping me full of antibiotics 24/7 and I did have some delirium but I thought that was from 104+ fever. Had a lot of weird dreams and some really creative ideas (wish I had written them down) but I thought that was the morphine. Dr P said 50% of the people that were as sick as you die. That made me cry a little. I honestly didn’t think I was that sick. I knew it was a hell of a week and I had never been that sick – not even close but I had no idea it was so serious. He also told me if I was feeling myself in 6 weeks call it a win. He was Dr Downer today.
I’m not quite sure what I remember of the week of April 18-26, 2021 accurately enough to state a lot of facts but I will try and when and if I sort out the detail I will flesh it out.
It started Sunday (April 18) with me having a low-grade fever and then into Monday with me having to blow off some appts to pick materials for the remodel because I had a fever. Tuesday I had an afternoon appt with my dr’s PA who said my white count was up and gave me an antibiotic.
Wednesday morning we went to the ER because now my fever was higher and was vomiting and having diarrhea and I knew I needed some fluids ASAP. Stayed in the ER all day with them searching for the source of the infection. Jerry and I had just talked about a guy who died and at his autopsy they found a 3 inch toothpick had perforated his rectum and he had gone septic. I was hoping they were looking EVERYWHERE! Lots of blood work and honestly no further along that night than that morning except I was getting some much needed fluids. And they were trying to decide if they truly needed more human waste receptacles or if I was just not aware that many of the places I had deposited were not in fact receptacles as they were used seemingly on a fly-by.
I asked to be discharged and the Dr made me promise I would come back if my fever was not down and staying down on Thursday. I did so completely convinced I would be better…surely and he knew I wouldn’t be.
Thursday morning we were back at the ER and the same dr was there and said something snarky like “back so soon?” which I took in the good humor it was intended. He was right after all. He ordered a gastro-intestinal CT, which I was glad of (toothpick guy). By Thursday morning my fever was well over 104, the v&d were raging and my electrolytes and such were completely wiped and he was pretty frantically looking still for the source. When the CT was read he said they got a glimpse of something in my lung behind my heart. VOILA! Pneumonia. So he ordered a CT to confirm and when he came back in his face was lit up. We had our source. So I got admitted and finally got a room that night.
So that is where I have been. I won’t lie, it was a pretty rough week. I haven’t always been the best patient. I’ve cried, I have complained but everyone (but one nurse and she got reported and she deserved it – I was too weak to slap her face) has been helpful and with only my best interests in mind. The dietitians came around and went over every menu option trying to find me something I would/could eat because I absolutely couldn’t stand the thought of food. The man who took me for my CT scans was so lovely, he kept me laughing. The first trip he insisted I pick my favorite Star Trek movie and thankfully it was acceptable. He’s a gem and sick people need people like that.
My bloodwork is still wackadoodle but we are working on it. I feel better but not good by any means. I feel very blessed to have the money and insurance to get the medical help I needed. Now the after insurance balance may cause a different kind of illness when we get that but I didn’t have to refuse a test or medicine or another $$$$$ bag of antibiotics run through my body. I will never support the idea that medical care is not a human right so please y’all #MedicareForAll
Jerry left for work the next day after I got home.😞 Not much more to say about that. Y’all he is the best. He has not left my side except for absolute necessity even though I would have had him at least come home to sleep in a bed. He would run home and feed my cat and do some errands and get him a bite to eat.
Please get your Fauci Ouchie if you haven’t already and add a pneumonia shot to your vaccine schedule if you qualify.

slow…but better late than never.

Finally getting ready…to get ready…to get started on the scrapbook from Hannah & Kim’s wedding. Kim made me this beautiful book and all I have to do is add content. I finally got prints of all the wedding photos (thank you shutterfly for some free prints). As I add content I will post some pics.

Still hanging out mostly alone except for this week!  Hannah came and spent the week with me and we have had a great time even though she has had to work during the day.  Working remote/from home is the diggity!

Stay safe, don’t listen to ignorant people and wear your mask.

Until next time, I am

schism, derision, disrespect, division

After the events of January 6, 2021 it’s been hard for me to come here and really write anything remotely pertaining to what I wanted this blog to be.  I hate coming here and having nothing more to write about than the fact that a horrible virus had disrupted all our lives and quite successfully been the death of at least 458,000,000 human beings in the United States and 2.4 million worldwide according to Avi Schiffmann and his remarkable website  I encourage you to take a look at what this young man has generously provided for his fellow humans. So bear in mind if you choose to read on, Covid19 had taken its toll on my ability to hold my tongue, but when those same people, the anti-maskers, the conspiracy theorists attempted to overthrow this democracy in a murderous rage I moved along to “fuck around and find out” mode. I don’t personally know anyone who stormed the capitol that day that will forever, as well it should, be a part of our American story. But I refused to be in a relationship to any degree with someone who is so inclined as to think what happened to this republic during the four years of the Trump administration was anything but what it was: devastating to the American ethos. We are going to have a very difficult time walking back the last four years and regaining any respect on the world stage.

Moving forward, maybe the fury over watching insurrectionists as they sacked the United States capitol building and searched the halls hot with hate and self-righteousness for the offices of our legislators and the vice president shouting “Hang Pence!!”, for which they had built a gallows on the National Mall and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi whom they screamed for, telling her to step out from her hiding place so they could put a bullet in her head, will eventually not play on a loop in my head. I have no doubt in my mind that they would have followed through. They murdered one officer that day and another committed suicide a short time later.  All told there were five deaths directly connected to the mob of Trump supporters who believed they could not only overthrow the government but had the support of far too many sitting congress members.

I have been literally sick over it.  I have been forced, because of my own convictions and conscience, to separate from far too many friends and family members.  People I found it hard to believe would be so overcome with racism, bigotry and self-righteousness that they would lose their dignity and humanity. Since that day I have been in contact with some of them and am quite afraid the chasm is too deep and wide.  It’s not near enough for me to hear a failed mutiny was what brought someone back to reality.  Especially when on January 5, 2021 these people were “all in” promoting the deceit and frauds of this far right conglomeration of societal misfits.  That’s not an epiphany. That’s not wanting to be on the losing team. The outgoing provocateur had CULTivated the racists, bigots, gun nuts and religious misanthropes to do his bidding.  The man is clearly a failed oligarch, but they all wanted a chance to touch the hem of his garment so they too could become true members of his band of losers. Maybe they could be rich and famous and above the law, too. Some of them are in jail now.  I mean they are able to request a special diet while incarcerated and it’s granted. You will never convince me they were ignorant.  Even intentionally ignorant.  They felt like they finally had a voice.  A huge number of white people honestly believed they had been put upon. That is stunning and speaks to the racial inequality in America.  People can’t handle the truth. They might bear some responsibility and we can’t have that.